The Log's Archive

Firstly, what is this for?

This page is for my personal archive, where I archive stories, art, resources, etc and so on of what I personally like to keep around or have in paw for friends who would like to look more into this sort of topic. This page may seem to be a little more on the messy side of things, but its enough for what I need and want. This page will likely always be updating and always in a WIP stage, it likely will never be truly finished.


Educational sources / sites

Gathered sites and sources I have found or have been brought to me that would be good for educational topics or history related sources within the topic of alterhumanity. Open details to view the various links.

A Simple Introduction to Otherkin and Therianthropes - This short essay is for anyone to start learning about us therianthropes and otherkin. It gives reliable sources for every piece of information. The statistics come from surveys that had a sample size greater than one hundred people. All of this is to make sure that this essay is the most accurate representation of us possible. It is in simple English: it uses only common words and simple sentences. That makes it easier to translate, even for machines, but I hope real people will translate it into many languages. , , There are mulitple translations of this essay in the link

Otherkin Wiki - Welcome to Otherkin Wiki! This site is about otherkin, a subculture of people who consider themselves something other than human. It contains information about the culture, experiences and history of our communities and the people in them. It also covers a diversity of other related alterhuman communities. Here, we strive for these two things: reliable research based on quality sources, and respect for the variety and subjectivity of otherkin and alterhuman experiences.

The Alterhuman Dictionary - As with any subculture, the alterhuman / alterbeing community has its own language and slang for referring to the things that are common within said subculture. This website aims to be an accessible and comprehensive dictionary resource for the community. As is standard for dictionaries, this is in alphabetical order, and this dictionary does not claim to be the original source for anything listed. You can use the Alt and F keys to search for a particular word.

The Alterhuman Archive - The Alterhuman Archive is an ever-expanding collection of nonhuman and alterhuman-related information, writings, and creations, meant to function as a community resource and memory bank.

Otherkin News - News for all sorts of alterhumans

A Deeper Look Into Cladotherianthropy - Cladotherianthropy is not a topic that is often discussed nor is it a term often seen used by many within of the community outside of glossaries and FAQs. This is because it is not a commonplace phenomenon among therians; less common than polytherianthropy. In fact, members of the community are honestly more likely to see the term in glossaries than see it actually used in discussions on personal therianthropy. Because it is a little used term, the topic of cladotherianthropy is rarely brought-up outside of a short and simple definition. Due to this, outside of the general definition, little much is discussed about the label. This article will attempt to delve into the term beyond a short definition and explore where cladotherianthropy came from and the ramifications for using taxonomy for the framework for a sense of personal animality.

Archive Post of Transspecies being used before 2020 - We keep mentioning how transspecies as a term has existed long before the radqueer & transID communities formed, and started claiming it as part of those communities despite it's actual usage within nonhuman/fictional/unusual human species identifying spaces and objections from said spaces, , , As a sort of quick thing to back this up, here are some examples before the year of 2020 (estimated beginnings of the radqueer/transID community)! , , , All of this excludes troll posting/mockery, and is focused on NH/FICT community's discussions. Some additional content warnings are provided for some of the e-mails, however, , ,

AnOtherWiki - The free encyclopedia written by, for, and about the Otherkin community.

WereLibrary - Welcome to the Werelibrary, an index of writing all about therianthropy! The categories organizing the library are found below.

Therian: Dispelling the Earthen Animal Myth - For many individuals in the nonhuman community today, terminology is learned by word-of-mouth from individuals that have resided in the community for longer, and then pass on that knowledge to further newcomers. Such is the way for many communities, but as a method of information transfer, it can contribute to the loss and future lack of information, , , Such is the case of our beloved word “Therian”. Today, I am going to be talking about the evolution of the word from its earliest predecessor, “Phenotype”, to its current meaning of “identifying as an earthen animal”, and how it obtained this incredibly narrow and exclusitory meaning. My goal and hope is to bring solace and open a new avenue to those who had previously identified with the term, but were told or had assumed that they do not fit the definition. / From Fiction - A resourceful site that involves many things fictonkin!

Soulbonding vs Being Kin -

Stories and personal websites

Gathered personal stories and personal websites I have found and felt the need to put into this website to archive, mostly for myself to look back on and/or to share with friends and those who stumble onto my website. Do you want your personal website added? Feel free to shoot me at with it! I would be happy to add your site here as long as it's on topic to my personal site! Open details to view the various links.

Radiant Obscurities - Radiant Obscurities (RO) is a project & site for content, mainly writings, about personal animality & the experience of “being animal” from therians, otherkin, & other alterhumans, but for animal types that are uncommon or rare in those communities, , , The ultimate goal of this project is to help others with experiences of being animal realize & feel that they are not alone. I want that more than anything else from this project.

Sivaan's Vault - A friend's personal site that revolves around his own personal altterhumanity, , , Greetings, all! I am Sivaan of Candlekeep, and I invite you to explore my personal website. This vault archives many of my writings and resources on alterhumanity. I hope you consider poetry, essays and resources as valuable as treasure because that's exactly you will find here!


Various timelines that were put together on topic of alterhumanity. Open details to view the various links.

A Timeline of People with Nonhuman Experiences & Related Subjects - 17 pages

A Timeline of the Alterhuman Community - 25 pages

A Timeline of the Therianthrope Community - 145 pages

Otherkin Timeline: The Recent History of Elfin, Fae, and Animal People - 109 pages

Addendums to Scribner’s The Otherkin Timeline - 32 pages

A Timeline of the Fictionkin Community - 19 pages