fairy lights fairy lights

About the Song Dog


If you're here for my kinlist rather than a long story or intro to myself, then you can click here!!

As said beforehand, hello, I am a coyote named Coyote or Syn. However, with names I do not mind most names being used with me, I typically do not stick to one name. I always default to the name Coyote, a label of what I am. Pronouns are more or less the same way, I do not mind most pronouns, he/she/they/etc are always fine. I typically always default to it/its and find the most comfort in them over anything else. Though, typically I do not care regardless. If you're more interested in my queerness or queer identity, you can click here(link yet to be added).

I am a few things but I am more prominently a coyote, though in a complicated way. I do not truly have a set idea of what kind of coyote I am, I know I just am pretty coyote. I default myself to being a simple feral coyote, though I can be seen as a draconic coyote, robotic coyote, or a were. Though, my identity is strange, unique, and odd to me. All I know for sure is I am a coyote regardless of where I stand but do not have a real idea of what I'd look like or what set in stone coyote species or form I'd be. As long as it's coyote-like, it's likely me... I heard the best way to state myself is to be an anymic coyote or shifter of some kind. If you wish to read more about it, you can through my kinlist above or maybe more is explained below.

Discovering myself as nonhuman, I was on the internet well before I should have been. I discovered what otherkin meant after discovering a cringe compilation when I was around 9-10. Despite the fact it was in fact a cringe comp, I still found myself more fascinated by the topic more than anything. This was the start of my newfound special interest and discovery leading to where I am writing this as an adult in its 20's.

I think a part of me always understood I was never human to begin with. Since I was a very young kid to now, Ive always felt that disconnect to my humanity even before I properly put a label on it. Though, it also never was a bothersome thing either, it was my normal and my reality. I wasnt human, I wasnt born human, I just happen to be shaped human. Even before I discovered the topic and made myself out to be otherkin at the time, I was obsessed with nonhuman media in a perspective of constant what ifs. I would often find myself in daydreams and wonder of myself, what if I was the dog in the story? The fox, the horse, the character that was never human? This made a lot of things, such as games where you play as an animal or creature, to be a major love of mine. Of course the classics being dragon or animal sims, Animal Jam, Wilfcraft, Wolf Online, etc. Of course the classic written role-plays with friends being a part of it.

Outside of my nonhumanity however, who am I? Well, explained before, I am an intersex trans queer who is an aroace butch lesbian, I typically do not care about pronouns, however I do have a heavy prefrence for it/its and maybe he/him. My idea for my real future is flimsy, but I am still looking yet. I live on a farm as of now in the middle of the midwest. I was born here and grew up in the midwest with a mixed family, despite my ideal life to live up north, I always have a soft spot for the midwestern plains, however I do not care for the cities despite a gentle desire to live in them.

Other than life interests, I also happen to enjoy a lot of other medias, such as The Magnus Archives or Murder Drones, I also enjoy The Locked Tomb series and I have to admit I still have a major soft spot for Warriors and Wings of Fire. I have a major love for weather, storms, and meteorology... as well as EDM and rave culture. Happy and proud raver. Queer history and queer culture in itself is another major love of mine.



Firstly, what is a werecard? A werecard is simply a kind of short questionnaire you use to describe yourself as alterhuman, even some parts of it just for funs and giggles, , , template being used here!!

Human Name: Syn or Coyote

Were Name: Coyote

Phenotype: Werecoyote, a shapeshifting werecoyote and all my counterparts connected to my coyoteside that comes with it.

Shifting Ability: I dont typically shift in the sense of animal and human, but rather I am always a coyote who shifts through various selves. I am a werecoyote at my very core, including my physical human shape which is still werecoyote.

Birthdate: January 28th, 2004

Birthplace: I was born in the plains of the Midwest.

Home Territory: Currently the same territory of the plains.

Dream Territory: North, somewhere in a isolated area of the mountains, where its colder and where its leaves fall in autumn and the snow is great in winter, where summers are manageable and where its quiet.

shifted-selves shifted-selves

Physical Description, Were: I imagine my fur to be always with a brown and orange hue and tone, including where gray would be apparent on my fur. My muzzle, jaw, my underside of my neck, belly, and my tail would have that sort of gray. My back with typical pattern of a coyote but more sharp, brown. My ears, top of my muzzle, and my legs would be a bright and dark orange. Tip of my ears and tail would be black with black patterns on my back and top of head and neck. I always imagined myself to be an oddly shaped werecoyote at first. Especially, I see myself with four arms then hind legs. I always seem to see myself with more than one set of arms to compliment my typical pair, , , my ever changing form however depends. If I am a coyote-like dragon, I am long with large draconic wings that would be black, the same black as the tip of my tail. Id be covered in fur with sharp orange eyes, , , as a coyotetaur or a centaur-like coyote, it would be the same but my patterns on my back stretch and fit and form to fit my form , , , and this repeats. My form can be nearly anything but as a coyote. Though, things can shift differently considering I too and conceptkin of autumn and storms/weather. I see myself shifting through the fog as if I was fog or the clouds as if I was clouds, as if I was the tornado as if I was the trees and autumn wind breeze.

I have doodled out a few ideas for how I see myself in my various forms, though the werecoyote form will always still yet be my main self and form, I simply shapeshift into the others as other parts of me, , , the draconic drawing was refrenced from the game Skyrim since some of their draconic designs feel familiar to me best.

Human Career: I have yet at this moment to really get myself set in stone with a career, however, I am looking into being an archivist or meteorologist, , , specifically a storm chaser.

Hobbies/Interests: Collecting is a huge one for me, usually between anything related to autumn, bones, rocks, but mostly coyote related items. I have many plushies, taxidermy, arts, pins, buttons, posters, etc of coyotes or related. , , otherwise, I enjoy arts such as drawing, painting, and writing. I also enjoy working on the house and farm, which I live at.

Favorite Art: Far too many to count

Favorite Were-art: As well as far too many to count

Favorite Quote: It is my body, therefore I am - I do not remember who said this but I remember months ago someone said this and it has always stuck with me. Our body, our mind, its who and what we are.

Favorite Were Saying/Quote: Whenever the pressure of our complex city life thins my blood and numbs my brain, I seek relief in the trail; and when I hear the coyote wailing to the yellow dawn, my cares fall from me - I am happy. - Hamlin Garland

Favorite Song/Band(s): At this point, far too many to count or state. However, I do deeply enjoy artists like Asking Alexandria, Hozier, Glass Animals, I Prevail, Dayseeker, Septicflesh, Powerwolf, and so on.

Favorite Season: Autumn, so much so I believe I am the embodiment of autumn, not just as the season but as its concept. As a werecoyote shapeshifter, I believe I am also the concept and embodiment of autumn as I am with storms and weather.

Favorite Holidays: Halloween will forever be a favorite of mine, though I do enjoy the vibe and feeling of Christman greatly.

Preferred Prey: Answer is never changing with anything with ribs, my all time favorite food haha!

Hunting Tips: Play smart, always assume that your own prey will be smarter and faster than you. Never underestimate them. Learn their movements, just understand them. Youll learn over time.

Preferred Method of Attack: Watch how loud I can scream

Favorite Non-Were Mythological Beast: I cant say I have a favorite now I take a chance to study what I can find, all beautifully unique.

Feelings Toward Vampires: As long as theyre chill with me, I am chill with them.

Feelings Toward Normal Humans: Same answer with Vampires.

Personal Therianthropy: I have stated some of my story above, mostly a brief over on discovering some terms to coming to conclude with them, however, my full story is yet in progress of another document Im sure to post here eventually.

I dont really have all the perfect words to explain this or how to properly tell in a good manner what my personal therianthropy story is. I was born as a coyote, I always have been a coyote. Only at 15 is when I truly learned, yeah, Im likely a coyote and accepted it at its fullest at 16. Even before then its always been similar canines, wild canines, so close to the territory of coyotes or coyote-like in one way or another. Its no surprise to believe I was a wolf at the time, well, I still am. Though, my relationship with being a wolf is a little different. I am still a wolf as I am a coywolf, an eastern coyote. Still wolf in that aspect but once again, coyote at core, , , being animal from the day I was born had and still has always affected me and my life. I always carried little to big behaviors as a coyote would, from my yips and yaps as a toddler to my art and how I would grow up solely focused on animal imagery and imagery to freedom, the trees, animality, anything related to my being and eventually others. Including my dreams and spirituality was driven and formed and changed into such.

Today yet still, my identity, my wereside and therianthropy is still a major part of me. Especially since I am working on this site to finally tell more of my stories to the world, , , while now today I am typically in more fandom spaces, I would be in strictly alterhuman spaces beforehand, I was comfortable with that. It was a new territory when it came to fandom spaces however, especially when I first became more involved on Twitter, I felt like I was the only nonhuman around. I mostly kept to myself about my identity, slowly becoming more open about it. Then I met one of my now great friends a couple years back when I was 18. Valen referred to me as my coyote friend and I could still recall the euphoria of being so casually referred to as such. That was one step for me to become more open about my identity outside of alterhuman spaces.

It was a slower process but I was extremely lucky to find a group of incredibly open minded folks, many of them who are alterhuman. Funny to find folks like you or such outside of spaces where yall thrive right? Its wonderful. I was especially able to explore my identity more in a safer space with some good friends, even able to help explore others identities. I met a fantastic fictionflicker named Uzi, they were the one to create a silly group chat that we named Latine Sapphics GC. It included Uzi, Valen, and Velvet, Velvet being my incredible girlfriend, a wonderful shapeshifter, and of course eventually became close to a catperson shapeshifter, Cyn, who is happily also my girlfriend,,, shapeshifter polycule yeah? I was also incredibly lucky to meet a draconic individual, Solomon, who was one of the two biggest inspirations for me to create this website after we both attended the Centaurus Festival, , , , Besides that stuff and my circles, I believe my personal therianthropy was a nice stepping stone for relationships to build and opened opportunities for friends and myself. It would be a lie to say that therianthropy didnt at least have a little effect on some relationships.

I believe that my nonhumanity / therianthropy is something that cant be separated from my queerness as well. Typically with my gender, I dont really,,, have a gender. At least I dont have a gender in the sense of a human would. The closest real gender I truly would have on the sense of human boxes is simply, male coyote or dog feragnus. Otherwise I am sexless, I am genderless. Though, I do enjoy collecting xenogenders or call myself xenofluid, collecting little microlabels related to my nonhumanity. Almost any and all parts of me are somehow related to my nonhumanity, for relationships or queerness, or just my living life. Its something I have pride in and despise the cons or downfalls, its something I have no issue loving and holding close to me.

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