fairy lights fairy lights



Quick explanation, what is a kinlist in this context? It’s simply just a list of your kintypes/theriotypes/so on. I’d like to clarify this kind of kinlist has nothing to do with relating to characters, I’m personally not KFF(kin for fun).

Coyote- I am pretty much anything and everything coyote. While my default self is werecoyote, or just coyote, I am everything coyote. I am a shapeshifter with my coyoteself at my core, I also have a strong connection with coyote imagery, coyote art, werecoyote and werewolf media/art/music/imagery/etc, anything that involves a coyote I would likely see myself apart of it or have some kind of connection with it... this part of my identity will always mix and be involved with any of my others in one way or another.

Serial Designation V- V is one of the main characters from Murder Drones, this identity is more or less newly discovered as of today (8/24), however, the identity still having a larger impact with myself regardless even before discovering myself as V. I plan to soon write more about this in detail.

Tornadic Concept- I am the concept of storms in general, however, I feel more a personal intertwined with torndos, supercells, and in general the arts of tornados. I often enough see this identity involved with my coyote self, either as a coyote watching a twister touch down or as a powerful twisting being in the clouds that vaguely resembles a coyote.

Autumn Concept- This one is a little more tricky for me to explain. I know I am at best, the vastness of autumn, I am the breeze and I am the autumn leaves, I am the aesthetic and I am the music, I am the traditions, I just am purely the embodiment of autumn. I often enough see myself as my own environment, meaning I see myself as a werecoyote who roams an everchanging autumn scenery. While I am the werecoyote I would still be the leaves I walk on and the trees I pass, I would still be able to run my claws over my own waters and I would be able to see my own orange, yellow, and warm hues. I would be the cold air that I blanket myself with. Once written, I will be linking an essay here about being an autumn conceptkin alongside my coyoteself.

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